"There's a certain anticipation and excitement in the air...as if Sonic Youth were playing an unannounced secret show at a small club."- Esquire
"Billed as the world's greatest comedy night with some justification." - The Onion
Caveats: The winner must come down and pick it up from our downtown office today before 4:30 pm (or I'll be gone and you can't get the tickets). We're close to the Vancouver Public Library, easily accessible by Skytrain, with plenty of metered street parking. More details will be sent to the winner.Won't take you long to zip up and pick the tickets up.
Caveats: The winner must come down and pick it up from our downtown office today before 4:30 pm (or I'll be gone and you can't get the tickets). We're close to the Vancouver Public Library, easily accessible by Skytrain, with plenty of metered street parking. More details will be sent to the winner.Won't take you long to zip up and pick the tickets up.
The 10th person to email shopgranville@shopgranville.ca with the subject line - LAUGHS will win these tickets. Please only enter if you are able to come to the show. I'd love for someone to enjoy this performance!