Do you love John Fluevog shoes? Read on to learn how to have your design included with the Fluevog line at Open Source Footwear by Fluevog.
In his never-ending quest to give Fluevogers a voice, John unveils the latest CHOSEN design from the pre-2.0, pre-wiki Open Source Footwear Program. San Francisco-based artist Samantha Zaza submitted her wonderful design in June 2007 from her original sketch on the back of a convenient appliance manual. When John saw Samantha's submission, he pictured it fitting in perfectly with the rest of the new Fall members of the classic Mini Family. And after a little back and forth we are thrilled to present The Zaza - designed with Real Fluevogers!
If you've got a shoe stuck in your head that you'd like to see removed, and turned into a real pair of Fluevogs for the whole world, submit a drawing at Open Source Footwear. For inspiration, feel free to browse through the hundreds of Fluevoger-submitted designs, and then get started. Your ideas could become actual shoes!
John Fluevog shoes can be found at 837 Granville Street, Downtown Vancouver. BC. Sale items here..