Collab. with guest Blogger Barbie.
A real phenomenon is taking over. When the sun goes down, the moustaches come out. We've seen them all, the Fu Manchu, the Dali, the Handlebar... wherever there is facial hair, there is possibility.
Thursday night, they were walking solo and in ‘stache-matched pairs. We searched for patterns and meaning to no avail. Why were these Magnum PI debonair men manifesting? Was it for a specific cause? There was no way of telling - the hairy-lipped souls were gravitating in circles, and standing in lineups at the Caprice Nightclub. Don't get me wrong, We welcome 'Mos (a term the aussies fondly coin for moustache) as a fashionable addition to the modern male.
Sleuthing skills discerned - Movember, a moustache growing charity that raises money for prostate cancer research has invaded Vancouver. The moustachioed brotherhood was seen mustering with their Mo Sistas for a fabulous dress-up party. 70's Porn stars and Hulk Hogan look-a-likes battled it out on the catwalk for a chance to be crowned "Man of Movember" inside the Caprice, while citizens - not in the know, including yours truly, milled about outside.
If you are still searching for that illusive stocking stuffer for the man in your life, you can bet your rainboots he would appreciate a moustache comb. Just something for you to think about while you are on Granville street eating your pizza.
Bugs Bunny Billy, Joey Joe, and Junior take in Granville Street just before rocking out at the Caprice Movember Event.
Click on this sexy beast to see the Gallery.