As posted early last week, Granville was a hub of activity this weekend as the City hosted on fun free stuff on it’s green turf recycled from the resurfacing of Andy Livingston Park
Demo from the All star Jump Rope Team.
A visit from the Canadian Olympic Badminton Team
And the Langley Ukulele ensemble
If you missed them, Watch this video.
The Grass is Greener, downtown.
If you were wondering what’s up with the strange green turf down the 700 block of Granville by Sears and in patches throughout you wouldn’t be the only one.
With the buses not returning to the street until Sept 6, 2010, the City of Vancouver and the Downtown Vancouver BIA have decided to take advantage of this vehicle-free time to trial some new ideas.
Business, busking and summer - a mix worth celebrating on Granville!
Starting June 25 and running every Friday night from 5-7pm, buskers hired by the DVBIA will be getting the weekend party started by playing on the 600, 700 and 800 blocks. Also watch for three buskers concerts on the 700 block throughout the summer.
Working with the busking community and the City of Vancouver, busking will shine on Granville while many of the streets are closed until Labour Day. Playing hours have been extended to midnight every night and limited amplification is now formally allowed. We've also designed 27 'busk stops' along the street: locations best suited to reducing noise for residents, not blocking access to businesses and high pedestrian traffic. Signs indicating the stops are posted on the light poles and 'pitch sizes' or act sizes are designated on the signs.