Last night, downtown was just buzzin'. Beautiful night... hints of winter giving sharpness to the air. Tons of people walking around the street likely attending shows at the Film Festival or one of the events at the Live venues. The vibe was quintessentially Granville.
I had a bunch of reusable shopping bags a la ShopGranville to give away so I offered them to people hanging on the drag Evidently, I have suspicious look about me. Ha! Reactions varied from glee or suspicion (ok I'll give you this one, some casually dressed woman approaches you offering to give you something for free... what's wrong with it right?), to anger and disbelief. Yes people, there is such a thing as a free bag and I hope you enjoy it!
Funny quotes:
"Hey you... bag lady.. come back!"
"I-have-plenty-of-bags-at-home-oh-ok-sure-then." <----Obviously an internal struggle between Minimalism and a desire to possess the sweetness that is the ShopGranville Bag.
"No thank you, I'm walking around Granville." (huh?)
"Can I have 6 for my friend." <-- I said sure. I appreciate people who think of their friends. I'm an optimist.
Will likely be walking down Granville at around 11am today so if you want a bag, track me down! Free, with no strings attached.
I love the ShopGranville bags because they look so great and are fantastic for carrying things (lots of space, and its very sturdy). Reuse it and spread the word about our blog, and help the environment. Share the love.