Granville Street is where the world came to Mix it up during the 2010 Olympics. We're carrying this same spirit into the summer with a slew of summer events including dance, music, food and drink. Come visit Vancouver's Street and get the details here.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Canuck Designer Event

^^^ Viola Blanca Accessories = Yummeh.

There's something so contemporary, lush and stylish about canadian designers. Great news! Spend on Trend, a retail event showcasing Canadian Designed, Canadian Made clothing, accessories and home decor labels is happening on Granville at Davie. The event runs from Friday September 5th to September 7th at the Scotia Bank Dance Centre.

Tickets are $5 and can be purchased at the door with $1 from each ticket sold supporting St. Elizabeth Home Emergency Shelter for Women and Children.

Line up early each day to be one of the first 25 people through the door and you will enjoy a fabulous goodie bag worth over $50.

List of Designers

For more information visit or call 604-987-6103.